Leave Me Wondering
Just saw an article about pottery classes and suddenly it brought me back to my primary school days when I actually was in Art Club. Don't remember who I joined with or how even did I get Art Club as a CCA for one year (or part of P5 year) but maaaan, I might have been alone (maybe I have that one friend that got me to join) and I specifically remember skipping some because none of my cliques were in it so going for classes were quite tough. Questioning how I went through it if there wasn't anybody pushing me to join. At Primary 5? The first of being alright to be alone?? Also, I know that's where I did my first clay art and learn things about clay sculpture (similar to pottery making and hence this post). And hey, this was just a random post but sometimes I surprise myself with my past, like do you believe I was as such cos I sure don't believe it too.