Hi, I realised I left this blog to rot.
And suddenly I looked back at photos on my Instagram and I realised, while I keep updating my other social media platform(and yes I reopened my twitter hahaha cos I couldn't help it plus now there's snapchat), this is the one place I should share my life story.
Not that I have an interesting life but maybe just I should share any celebration of life right here.
Because precious photos, we may lose it along the way so by placing it here, at least I'd know where to find it.

So, here it is, born on the 25th of Aug, my very own sister's first newborn,

It's amazing how Allah put so much strength in a mother.
To have a mother to carry another weight for nine months,
and when it's time, make her withstand the pain of contractions,
then having her to push a body out from a small hole which then will tear to a bigger one to make way for the small body to exit,
and lastly to stitch everything back into place.

No matter how tiny or big the mother is, Allah always give her strength to pull through.

I look at my sister and I'm taken aback.
Alhamdulillah, she managed to pull it through.
Despite everything, despite our thoughts of her, you'll know she is strong because she brought a newborn into this world.

I look at my mother and I'm blessed.
That she went through this for 5 times and never gave up on any of us.
Because the thing is, when they brought us into this world, they did have a thought of giving up.
But did they? Never.
And it all leads back to the strength that was given by Him.

And perhaps this given strength lasts throughout mothers' whole life.
Because after all, mothers are wonderwomen aren't they?
When things go sour, they always put up a strong front.
They stay as strong as they can so that we too could be strong.

p/s: Nayyirah is 7 days old so we had to shave her head, let go of her beautiful hair following an Islamic ritual.

p/p/s: I had no idea how to continue or end nicely but my point is women shouldn't be seen as a weaker gender anymore AT ALL.


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