Monday, Monday, Monday.

Both my bag and my hands were carrying heavy load.
Freaking heavy till my hands felt like breaking off.


Stayed back for home nursing.
Yay! Managed to do stuff we're supposed to do!
Then talked and slacked a bit.

After that, stayed back to do homework.
Gosh, it was so stressed!
I can't even get some of the questions right.
Even Halima went crazy after that.
Crazier than usual.
&some of the rest too at some point.

Went home around 5pm.
Bought file and eventually went home at 6pm.

Zik was being so lame.
He shouted my name and hid behind his shirt.

&I finally let it go after 12 hours of holding on.
It felt so good after that.

Enough of yesterday.
Today, today, today.
Woke up at 4am after 9hours of sleep!

It caused me to forget to bring my Physics File with my Physics, A.Maths and Malay textbook in it.
Then waited as usual, to tired to wait so went off first.

Lesson was yeah, normal.
Maths and the own work and examples stuff.
Chemistry and the usual desire to sleep.
P.E., usual walking 2 rounds around school.
Physics, donated money to class fund. Lol.
Malay, usual being late for it. Hahah.
Lastly, English, the most dreaded but quite fun class.

Then went for lunch.
Back to class for Maths.
Left earlier for training.


Hahah, goshhhhh, so whatever.
Well, I'm still proud of the training [:
The feeling is so contrast from the feeling of last Friday/Saturday!
For the first time, I managed to get most of the home nursing stuff right.


Still, I'm so happy, people don't have mood.
I don't have mood, people get so happy.
Hahah, world against me eh?
Let's hope not lah.

Now I'm bored.
I still haven't study for Chemistry tomorrow.

&I feel like I should change the song.
However, I don't listen to the radio anymore.
Thus, I don't know any new, nice and suitable songs.
Later then..

Plus, I've also added a new section of the extra part.
Yeah, the one with Ameera's face!

Well, time to go [:


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