You desire what you won't be ready for now.

These two days have been reallyyyyyyy interesting.
Something different.


3 test taken.
All were just fine.
I can expect to go for Maths class next week.
The other two, I shall just wait for the results.

Then after school was NC1 training.
Did full sequence after sequence.
Didn't expect somebody was there.

Suddenly somebody came and asked for StJohn.
Oh my gosh, IrfanM's hands were so bloody!
Glass went through his skin and the cut was deep.
Then some other people did the treatment and made us useless and foolish.
Like, I almost panic up to the room and then I come down and have to stand one corner?

Then did home nursing and all.
Before dismissal, did one last full sequence.
SOCCER C BOYS are damn rude.
Another whatever.

Went home.
Out again at 8.30pm for dinner.
Yeah! Get to meet Aniyah!
Ate at West Coast.
Then after that went to IMM.

Aniyah was so active!
Superbly adorable.
Plus, I get to hug her a lotttttt yesterday!
Ran after her quite a few times. Hahah.


Chinese New Year Celebration.
I pity Jnh who fears but had to be so close to that lion.
Especially that part the lion went up to her and Nisa.

Then there was no lesson.
Decorated the class.
Walked around the 3rd level with YiLing.
Decorate and decorate and slack.
Hahah. Shaufy fought with Venus over Y

Then the concert.
Too close, no comfort.
I only enjoyed watching Jnh on stage.
Hahah. Seriously.
I couldn't really do much or talk much.

After school, had training for awhile.
Then went to Acu's house.
Ate lunch.
Hahah, Zaimah slept, so did I for 2 hours and Izzati too.
Then Syafiqah was back.
Prayed, talked and talked.
Discovered whoever.
Finally, HOME!

Yeah, been in this seat for a very long time.

Changed song!

WanYi is turning 15 in 1 hour and 8 minutes!

Further the love, greater the part.


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