When you're near,
My heart feels like in a tear.
When you're here,
I assumed you were never there.
Now I'm losing it,
I want it back for I don't dare.
To say and show you that,
I still do care.


I'm feeling so happy today!
Hahah, I don't know why.
My gosh, this feeling is so great.

Still, I can't elaborate more on how much I miss 2C`08.
I miss the chaos of 2C.
Like how I can always hear Shaz's voice when she's talking to Albin/Aishah/Shamimah.
Like how I can hear the jokes made by Hypernation. Always so lame but hilarious.
Like how I look in front and always manage to smile.
Like how people will just walk around once the teacher is gone and rush back to their seats on Teacher Alert.
Like how we just sing MsThng a birthday song to act innocent even though it's not her birthday. My gosh, I miss that a lot.
I'm even wearing 2C`08 class t-shirt. I love it a lot.
Holds a lot of memories of 2C`08.

I wonder how 3D`09 class photo would be like.

Haizz. Alright, enough of nolstagic moments.
By the way, missing 2C has nothing to do with my first statement.
Hahah. No wonder I got into English Band 4. ~.~

May I emphasize,
I'm feeling great today!


Oh yeah, 2C`08 video.
I just need a time to upload it fully. Give me till February [:
I only have 3 days to play the computer a week.
Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
That is, if I'm not busy with homework or other stuff.

Update on Saturday.
ChorKiat is the CSM this year.
It's not official yet but it's pretty obvious.

I may be in charge of Development or Publication.
I'm excited! Hahah. Alright, I will most probably be in Development.
Like the welfare com of 2C, it's the same.
Hahah, it's just my forte or what?
Lol, alright, I better shut up because I don't know yet.

Awaiting for new juniors to make friends with.
Hopefully, people make their right choice by choosing StJohn.
Hahah, hey, StJohn is really fun.
It's a little of everything combined together.
What more could you ask for?

Now, more random stuff.
I'm most excited for FEBRUARY to come.
My heart just beats so fast everytime I make that point.
Hahah. I'm in full anticipation for that 1 more month.
I know, maybe it won't be that great or what.
We can't foresee the future now.
Still, I'm hoping for the best.
Alright, too much of talkey-talkey.

Yeah, better be off the computer now.
Time to complete homework before the arrival of my princess!
Hopefully, I can hug her more today.

Takecare wonderful readers!(if there's any)

Gahs, first, less time on computer.
Second, less time of myself. (Not much of a camwhore)
Third, more time on books.
By then, I would surely lose on everybody!
Awesome! :D


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