Put Your Hands Out


It's been such a long time since I last blogged right?

Ever since school started I've either been busy or lazy!

So, last stop was the orientation camp.
Which was AWESOME!
Though, something happened in between and yeah.
But I still could bond with the class! Yeah!

And so two days of camp.

Home on birthday eve! Lol.

School started at 9am on 9 Feb!
A guy almost wanted to share cab with me as it was our first lesson and we were gonna be late.
But it didn't happen. Hahah!

CT time in class.
Then 11S13 sang a birthday song for me!
Like so sweet~ :D

Thne had recess with Jannah and Aishah.
Aishah didn't give me her hug ):
Sebok je cari orang lain...:P

Then nothing else happened after that.

Thursday was the day of real lessons.

I almost died for PE on Friday!
4 rounds makes me -_-

The class celebrated Florence and my birthday!
Both on the 9th with hers in January.

Jnh also gave me a beary pooh present!

And Ami came down to school to pass me her gift with Atq!
Went to Macs after that.
Atq had to rush for lesson so she left early.
Was happily enjoying the view with Ami until it was time for me to go.


I realised that I left my wallet at Macs! -.-
Glad to get it back safely.
Thank you the CCK-ian who became my hero!

Then, after Malay, had MCS.
Celebrated vice-president's early birthday.
I was like OH MY GOD!

Ya, whatever..

So I had a long break today!
And the school's SC was selling balloons for Friendship day.
Lava bought 3, which cost her $7.50.

While she was trying to attack Izza, two of her balloons flew due to the strong wind!
And the balloons were helium balloons.
Hairizad got one of them, caught by another girl.

The other balloon was at the ceiling!

The whole canteen was cheering for him.
Like seriously, there's some school spirit. Lol.

So basically, today was awesomely fun.

Back to work :P


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