How Old Is Your Soul

Tomorrow is the start of Syawal and the end of Ramadhan.

Well, for starters, my house is still in a big mess.
I didn't make any kuih this year.
I've been trying to clean up this room for a month and we just have too many clothes and stuff in this house!
Most of the times I wished that I was some sort of a wizard and at a snap of my fingers, I could have this place all cleaned up! HAHAH.

Despite all of that, I decided I should take a break for a 3 hours or something heheh.

So let me give you an update on my iftars this Ramadhan.
Family wise, we didn't breakfast outside, only once at brother's house to celebrate Kak Wiyah's and Alisha's birthday.

And I went out with
  • My hollaback girls(Atq, Jnh, Halima & Basy) on the 16th July to celebrate Halima's advance birthday at Nandos,
  • SJS(Ain, Shirin, Azimah and Jnh wasn't there sadly) on the 18th July to watch Despicable Me and had breakfast at Manhattan Fish Market,
  • DAHINAF(Diana, Mira, Haris, Iffa, Aizat & Firzanah) on the 26th July at Alif,
  • my double As, Ami and Atq on the 1st Aug!!!
  • and my last one was with MCS(Diana, Iffa, Ain, Shaff, Fira, Amirah, Khairiah & Hamizah) on the 2nd Aug at Al Azhar, after which we went to Geylang till midnight!

    Whoa, quite a lot there...

    Had lots of fun too, especially reuniting with my double As, such a blessed day it was.

    Well, other than that, I have nothing else to share.
    Hahahaha, I'm so freaking lazy.

    Hari Raya in less than 24 hours...
    Can my brother just surprise us and come home?
    It sucks that he has to work overseas.
    What I know is that he's just on standby for now.
    Sucks more that they could actually let him come home but they won't urghs.
    Keep praying for him to come home.
    But whatever it is.....

    Oh yes, on a happier note,
    I had a really great dream last night afternoon!

    Well, I dreamt that I was watching a Glee concert, and I managed to sneak in with the cast.
    I say Harry Shum Jr.(Mike Chang) and Jenna(Tina Cohen Chang) first and wanted to take pictures with them.
    But all my cameras screwed up so Harry Shum Jr. got pissed off and walked away but Jenna was still there.
    Then Naya(Santana Lopez), Heather(Brittany S. Pierce) and Lea(Rachel Berry) came in the room.
    I had a chat with Naya, saying I was waiting for Darren, and she said something nice about him, and I told her that my favourite casts are Blaine, Santana and (wanted to say Brittany but I forgot...)Hannah..then realised that's from Pretty Little Liars, and said Heather instead. Heheh.

    Then Darren Criss came in with Mark(Noah Puckerman) and I quickly went up to Darren to take photo.
    And he was like, let's take a photo to make Ms Kho jealous(no idea why my secondary school Chem teacher's name came in...) so HE KISSED MY CHEEKS!!!
    I could feel his unshaved cheeks against mine oh my gosh it was so wonderful!

    The minute I woke up, I checked my phone to see if my dream was somehow real and the photo with him kissing me was in there HAHAHA!
    But it's just a dream.

    Sad thing was that in my dream, all my cameras were useless.
    But I'm glad it felt real.

    It's weird how I could feel things in my dreams.
    Like a kiss on the cheek, hugging someone, or holding someone's hand.
    Sometimes, it's too disappointing when I get back to reality.
    But it's still great, to feel those feelings. :)
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