Back Up, Back Up

And it's 3am again,
and I'm not asleep,
thinking of who you're dreaming of
while you sleep peacefully........

Cos I think I'm able to be a songwriter HAHAHA!

Anyway, I was just like thinking out of a sudden while I was halfway doing an essay,
I've only had 1100+ post for the past 7 years of blogging.
I really don't know which issue to address.

I mean not like there's any issue at all but for awhile,
I've been wanting to delete all the past and start anew.
Like still use this blog but make it more neat and easier on the eyes.

Well, it's not like anyone reads my blog,
my blog is basically about me talking to myself.
Like getting these useless thoughts out in the open and whenever I'm feeling messed up,
look back at my life and know that I've had worse days and I can get through it.

So I think back, why should I ever delete my past.
Even though I'm the type of person who remembers a lot about my life for now,
And basically I could delete all these past and still remember a few,
those that really matter or not but it's just a wonderment to me...

I just couldn't let my past go.
Like I have a strong attachment to it and I don't want to forget about it,
be it good or bad, happy or sad....
Let's stay together, loving you whether, whether

Hahaha, you see I like to think I'm funny when I'm alone.
I'm really not so uhm..

Back to the issue of nothingness really,
I guess the only reason I considered deleting everything and starting anew is because
of peer pressure.


No. It's because I so badly want to be like everyone other blog I see.
Sometimes, I kind of envy others and want to be like that too.
But let's face it, I'm never going to be like them.
I'm never going to have interesting stories or teach something cool.
I'll just have these boring thoughts that I think can be life lesson (as if) or the most interesting stories I'll have is when I'm finally out with my family or friends.

And I guess it's enough.
It's good enough for myself.
So it's cool.

And there you have it, another of Naj's silly thoughts at 3am!

Oh, another thing, if you're here and reading this,
go to this link below will you and help to like this video for my friends.
Well, their birthdays are in Nov and Dec so if they could win a date with MunahHirzi,
by getting the most likes, I'm sure you're helping them to make one of their wish come true.
Greatly appreciated!
MunahHirziOfficial, Diaris!

Watch their video here! A tribute to MunahHirzi's 5 year anniversary!

And with that, I've spent half and hour to compose this.
Good night.


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