It's a Saturday without training.
&I slept till noon :X


Finally, blogging time!


Had school on that day for Geography and Physics.
We weren't late, at least.
Ami got attacked over and over again :X
Then it was Maths.
MsThng was late, if only there wasn't.

After school, poured heavily.
So shoes got wet and damped on the way to WanYi's,
Watched Hot Chick.
After the boys left, we all watched 13 going on30.
Didn't pay much attention because of call.

PeiWen and Piglet [:

Boys leaving after first movie.

Left with girls only {:

Left at 4pm(?)
Cooled myself down and get ready to go out again.

Went to WestMall.
Met Sher and Rina.
Breakfasted at KFC.
Suddenly, a rat fell from above.
We were sitting outside anyway.

The rat reminds me of ratatouille.
Ended at, I'm not sure what time..

Met up with Jelina to study.
Saw that guy from school.
Went home after breakfasted.

Well, we really didn't have to do anything.
It was unfair but Sir won't let us join in.
Then we had recreation.
Training ended early.

Family came over as usual.
Lots of food for the first time fasting together this year.
Aniyah was cute as usual.
She kept talking on the phone using her own language.
&whenever the flash is on, she would smile so adorably.

Normal school day.
Like duh, I've forgotten whatever happened.

PE in field.
Muddy legs, played lacrosed(?)
Nobody injured this time [:
It was scary though.
Then I don't know what happened.
During PW, the anticipation for our group to be called was really heart thumping.
I could feel my heartbeat clearly.
Lol. Eventually we weren't called.

The day was alright.
After a sleep in Chemistry, got .. feelings.
Stupid reason :X
Going home, got on the bus with Venus, Farhana and ..
Alighted at the same stop.
]: ?

AS usual, after placing our bags we'll go somewhere.
Then I forgot. Shucks, my memory system is small.

Went to library after school with Atq and Nisa.
Awal Ashaari, Ashraf Muslim, Vivek Ooberoi, Shahid Kapoor & JB!
Hahah, that's what we did.
Awaluddin Ashaari eh? Lol.
Extended the time to go home till 5pm :S

Rained heavily in the morning.
During Physics, I got an autograph from MrFoo! Yay!

Then talked about Service-Learning. Exciting!
Ami and I went on and on and on about it.

Around 4.30pm left from home.
This auntie was so weird.
I don't know what she wanted and suddenly she was like reading this article and kept pointing at me???

Mid-Autumn Festival.
At Limbang Park, walked around while waiting to breakfast.
Played at the bridge.
Shirin and Nurul taught us about animals. Hahah.

After breakfast, went to wash our hands.
Had a hard time figuring out how the tap works.
While Shirin washed her hand, I got hit on the head, hard.
Dizzy, darn basketball and those boys monkey-ing.

Patrolling started.
While waiting for our turn, news spread around.
Pity Shirin. Evil Nurul.
Favourite senior was there! Lol.
The whole night was spent by patrolling and laughing.
Plus, hyper up with SiYing, Umm, Val and Alexis.
Cleared up before we left for school again.
What the what?
Changed and walked to interchange alone.

"Run, baby, run.
Don't ever look back.
They'll tear us apart,
If you give them the chance.
Don't sell your heart,
Don't say we're not meant to be.
Run, baby, run.
Forever we'll be,
Just you and me"

Shahid Kapoor in Vasantham.
Hooray for Atq :D

Ohmy, somebody's birthday is coming really soon.


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