Goodbye My Lover, MCS


Well, I said that I didn't want to post anything till raya or anything but hey, today is really a SPECIAL DAY!

Although I still have PQ, AQ, and many other things to do and despite Mr Dennis Yeo's talk today about sacrifice, I definitely have to blog about today!

Number 1 being that I got a new niece!

Her name is Nur Qaisarah Alisha
Well, I haven't met her yet(I hope I will soon!) because I had my long-awaited MCS FAREWELL~!!!!!

It started out a bit late because some of us had listening compre(which I had to stone/sleep for half-an-hour before in the room before the paper actually starts)

And yes it was UH-MAZIIIIIING!
With all those announcements, fasten your seat belts all, so cute!
And I like the games and I love the group I was put in!
Especially the dance dare~~ Hahahah.
Although I could say it was a bit fail ahahahahah, like we couldn't have this continuous strikes but it's alright!

They also had these sweet notes for us!(which we had to search around for it, penat siollll!)
And truly, I'm touched by every message written.
Made me feel so loved and appreciated. Heheh.
*Teary eyes*

Anyway, after everything, the 7 of us stayed back and had a little appreciation speech for each other.
Well, except for me laaa.
I'm like forever backing out when we have to say out all these things.

First is because I will definitely cry and I don't want to cry in front of the same people again (like they've seen me cried for all stupid reasons), I mean I'm not those type who could hold their tears back. :P

Second is probably because I couldn't really put how I feel into words I could speak of. I'm better at typing things out (at least I think so), so here it goes....

Firzanah, Amirah, Haris, Iffa, Diyanah & Aizat

From the bottom of my heart, I would really want to thank you guys for just being who you are and bringing all the laughters, tears and joy for the last 18 months I got to know all of you. I think if we never became a clique, I wouldn't have looked forward to every dance practices with you. Furthermore, I think I'll be those kind of quiet and reserved girl, seating at one corner with no friends if not for all of you. Hahah. And thanks to Firzanah that actually sparked this clique. If it weren't for her to ask Mira and I out for dinner during the College Day period then having the rest to follow after, we wouldn't even have created this bond and "Friday nights"! Even after all the things that happened, I guess we managed to get through it and I hope we'll continue this friendship and it'll last till anak-cucu all. Like your future daughter or son get married must invite okay! HAHAHA! Yup, that's it.

And yep, now I have to get back to my actual work and life eventually have to move on.
Till then, see you when I see you. :)

Uhhs this was supposed to be posted on 18 July 2012 but sigh sister had to distract me so it took me quite awhile to finish the post. Hahah.


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