I'm done with the blogskin [:

Now it seems to be so dark.
I just need to put more stuff in that menu part.
Seems so short and plain. :D

Any ideas?
Do tag.
Psst, my tagboard is beside the video, if you can't find.
It's to the left, to the left!
Okay, basically, it's colourful, so got to be easy to spot.
Hahah. Oh well, so dead.
Never mind. I just need to get this blog famous.

Cakap macam boleh je.

Well, song is Why Can't I by Liz Phair.
&I even put a game.
Hahah! Not too sure if people have interest in those kind of puzzle games.
I tried to look for others.
Well, hahah, if you want to, just tag me a game title.

Gosh, I feel like those 987FM DJ.
You know, "If you'd like to text me, sms to Soo, S-O-O space your text and send it to 7...."
I couldn't remember the numbers, but sheesh, this is what you'll get if you listen to the Pillowfight too much! :D

Okay, so random.
I'm so bored right now.
Currently chatting with Ami.
Hahah, we tried being serious.
So hard lah deyyy!

Gosh, this episode is so funny!
Especially the snapping part! :D


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