Nobody's A Picture Perfect

This boy will be such a heartbreaker!

You know how people will somehow say that phrase to a cute baby, especially a boy.
Well, nobody thought of that as a prayer and it would actually come true.
Nobody foresee that he would actually break so many hearts as he grows up.
But then again, who are we to blame.

It's always unfortunate to see girls posting something tragic and emotional like how they just can't seem to get over a guy who once were a part of their life.
Sometimes, the guys just seemed so heartless that they move on too quickly or just break all ties with the girl.
And us as girls, just have a heart too weak, too emotional, too loving to let it go so easily.
I mean, it is a phase in life.
It is something that everyone would go through.
It is a point in life that we learn who we are.
It is a point in life that we learn to be stronger.
Strong enough to forgive, strong enough to forget, strong enough to let go.

But then who am I to say?
I'm only in my youth and I've never been in a relationship.
But then again, that doesn't mean I've never had my heart broken.
In fact, I think my heart has been scarred, teared and broken bad that I'm too afraid to fall into the love pit again.

The latest heartbreak just got me so bad that somehow I think I'm better off alone.
And when I see how other girls get their heart broken, I really think that being single from the start without any strings attached to any guys just keeps me in the safe spot of not torturing my heart out of the memories of "you and I".

But then again, we are only human.
We were made with this feeling of love, lust and full of emotions.
We yearn for people to notice us enough to take care of us and just make us feel loved.
And not receiving that from someone we really like, well that feeling sucks.

I know how much it hurts, I've felt it too.
How we feel rejected, dejected, hopeless and insecure.
To feel like you were being played.
To think we're just not good enough as a person to be with them.
To see them giving their love to someone else when you've been there for them all along.
To feel foolish for being too hopeful
To feel all your efforts on them were wasted but then you fell for them too deep to just get over the fact that they are just not that into you.

But I always believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
And although these emotions just makes us feel like dying, for a moment, be proud that you still value your life.
We may cry all day and all night and we may feel pain that we just couldn't get over him.
We may feel all that because we're only human.
But do remember that we always have Him.
We seek for His blessing and guidance and pray for a better future.
When things don't work out, just remember that it was meant to be and that He has much better things in store for us.
Maybe not now, not in the very near future but we'll definitely get it one day.

And as of now, we may feel lonely and that his loving is all we ever wanted, just cherish this lonely moments to try and love yourself.
Find who you really are and don't change because you want to please him.
Learn to put yourself first for once in your life and just enjoy what life has to offer.
Be a stronger person than you were before and just be thankful for there are people who love you back just as much as you love them. :)

" Someday I'll fall in love again. It's hard to appreciate the beauty in life when you're alone. But then again, Maybe that's the whole point. To learn to enjoy life by yourself. Because at the end of the day, we all die alone." ~tumblr


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