You'll Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

Hi, this is long overdue, just like everything that I actually have to do HA HA.

Lately, I've been losing inspiration.
Like I want to do something creative but I couldn't get anything out.

For example, a blogskin.
Doing a blogskin used to be a pretty big deal for me.
Like I would want something that expresses me.
And I think I've been having difficulty in expressing myself.

Omg is it because I used to use all these emo stuff as an inspiration?
Or something I'm obsessed with.
And now, I'm just like *YAWNS* "Next!" kind of thing.

Probably used up all the ideas I had and now everything seems a little cliché for me.

Well, I kind of vowed to myself that I'll change this blogskin soon.

In other news, I really would like to own the rainbow Quran with translation!
I've recently been helping my friends with the Muslim Society's projects.
Well, wait there's a story to it!

So I've decided to help out with Islam Awareness Week as an exhibition guide.
We had to go for a 3 week training and I'm so surprised by how much I didn't know about Islam.
Sure, I used to go for religious class in the past,
but the thing was, the information couldn't sustain or it wasn't enough.
And I haven't ngaji in years, Astargfirullah.

Well, I always wanted to go for the Islamic diploma course but then I realised, there's a lot more for me to learn and there's a lot I didn't know.
Why would I need a diploma? I wouldn't want to pursue a career nor would I be brave enough to go for a career in the Islamic industry.

So I kind of stopped wanting to go for a diploma course this year and decided maybe I will get to learn about Islam by reading.
But that never really happened yet.

Anyway, last Saturday, I went to help out with the collection of newspapers for Gold Inc, this time.
It was surprisingly fun, because I was with Basy and Nana and this other guy named Zul.
I mean, initially I wanted to split my time to help with IAW too but then I changed my mind.
So after lunch, I stayed with Gold Inc and we managed to collect from 4 blocks, even did the last one without having Zul around to help us for 7 storeys!

(Hahah other people actually did more but that's sufficient for us ya!)

We went for prayers after that and Nana invited me to the syarahan at CCK Stadium!
After much deliberation, I went with Nana and I'm glad I did.
It was not only an opportunity for me to learn more but to also open my eyes a little more.
A moving night, really.

Ended the night by meeting Amirah Alzahar who kindly sent me to the interchange hahah!
It was an almost perfect day.

And back to why I really want the rainbow Quran with translation....
You see, it's not a need.
I don't even know how to read the correct way but I want to learn.

And I went to Geylang the day before to finally buy the long telekong.
Well, I've asked my mum for it in the past and she always has her reasons not to get one for me.
And finally, I've came up with an explanation why I needed one.

And then I also had a thought to purchase a rainbow Quran.
I went for prayers at Darul Arqam, then I saw it.
A rainbow Quran with translation owned by a lady who prayed next to me.

I don't know.
I'm the type who believe in signs like I went for the training today and ya...
So anyway, I don't know if I've interpret it wrongly or something.
I mean it's not for us to waste money or something, but I believe it could really help me?
I don't know.

Hahah, maybe I'll ask my sister for it.
Or my mom.
Astargfirullah, I shall wait.
And just keep an eye on it.
And when the time is right, InsyaAllah it will be mine.

Ah, I've been having a headache since the training.
It wouldn't go away.
But I should go to sleep soon.
There's a certain Ahmad Zaki I need to take care of. HEHEHE!


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