It was raining heavily.
Then bus 812 came.

My first thought was, "Have I rot at home for so long not to know about a new bus?"

Then the auntie bus driver shouted, "yi pa pa! yi pa pa!"

Well, I didn't get it at first because I don't understand the language.
Then the auntie said 188! and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~


Being it was raining, Mandy was kind enough to share the umbrella with me.
She's so sweet and I'm so pathetic! Hahah.

Well, I would want to talk about the activities in class but there's too much.
Especially the one on the hidden image period because we've completed the activity listed.
Used to be my specialty at home but when it was in class, I totally sucked at it!

Oh, Qin He and his 7th horse that people can't see.
Hahah, he and his "REALLY! REALLY! I'm not lying!"

Recess, so packed! :O
Then it was back in class.
Had to give ideas for class motto.

One of them, proposed by Qin He, was digging for knowledge.
Then Ms Ratna (thank goodness for a fabulous English teacher as our mentor) changed it to Purveyors of knowledge: Creme' de la Creme' .

Okay, then listened to the principal.
I paid attention until she talked about PhD.
Then, I got sleepy because she got draggy.

After that, stayed back for meeting.
We were late but by then meeting was soon to be over. Hahah.
In the end, played a few games that were difficult to figure out.
And since my juniors were present, taught a few drills to them.

Hahah, I still can't believe school started.
Okay, I'm superbly tired. So, I'm gonna sleep now. Bye :D


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