So, urm, yesterday was quite a day.
Well, basically there wasn't any lesson except for Malay and Physics.
However, the rest of the subjects actually chose the periods for tests.
So before recess, it was Maths, English and Chemistry.
You know it, 3 in a row strike!
Then there was a surprise for Social Studies.
So yeah, wow!
After that had training.
Started later because we had to bash ShiYing first since it was a her birthday.
We used Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Hey, it worked!
Wasn't as pathetic as we thought.
Okay, now I owe people $$$.
Wait for them to claim it. Lol.
I'm broke ):
Other than that, I think I still on loan for TYS book.
Then before my birthday, there's like 2 presents I need to buy.
Hmm, so why don't you just give me money for birthday instead of presents?
Okay, Physics test tomorrow.
So byeeeeee!
So, urm, yesterday was quite a day.
Well, basically there wasn't any lesson except for Malay and Physics.
However, the rest of the subjects actually chose the periods for tests.
So before recess, it was Maths, English and Chemistry.
You know it, 3 in a row strike!
Then there was a surprise for Social Studies.
So yeah, wow!
After that had training.
Started later because we had to bash ShiYing first since it was a her birthday.
We used Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Hey, it worked!
Wasn't as pathetic as we thought.
Okay, now I owe people $$$.
Wait for them to claim it. Lol.
I'm broke ):
Other than that, I think I still on loan for TYS book.
Then before my birthday, there's like 2 presents I need to buy.
Hmm, so why don't you just give me money for birthday instead of presents?
Okay, Physics test tomorrow.
So byeeeeee!
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