I was bored so I went to facebook.
I was sad so I went to you.
I wanted to find happiness so I went to youtube.
The question is, will it work?

I was bored so I went there.
Then it got me sad.
Stupid choice again and again.


Anyway, going to the positive side.
Open house was tiring!
Yet, I had fun, especially coming to the end of it.
Polyshrink(?) I'm so going to find you.

Then after slacking for awhile,
went to Lot 1 with Jannah.
Hahah, she recommended me so many movies to watch!

Next, went back to school for K Productions Drama.

Matt was so cute in the first part.
Then I knew why Sham agreed to play that role.
Hahahah, the Sham I know.
Dell was so cute!
"I want 3 kids! I want a boy, confirm cute macam bapak dier!"
Farah's mother role. Hahah, she do that all the time.
Naomi and Richard. Hahah.
Ridz's "mati dalam iman" and "Babyyyyy!" SUPER FUNNY!

Tomorrow is my last madrasah paper.
I haven't study yet.
A few more hours.
Ahh, the last time I will see syiok sendiri girl. ):


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