I'll Miss You

I extracted my fang yesterday.
No longer a vampy.
Though I'll still be a vampy at heart. Lol.

It's wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.
The extraction, that is.
I never thought the aftermath will keep me up all night.
I feel like pulling my teeth out.
Those in pain now.
Grieving of the loss of their buddy, Fang.

*Looks at how long it is*

Yeah, I brought it home.
Don't know how long I'll keep it here.

Anyways, watching HPATHBP.
I seriously have no idea what the Half-Blood Prince got to do anything with the story.
Okay, so Snape is the Half-Blood Prince. Didn't got to that part yet when I last blogged. Hehehs.
Watching Deathly Hallows Part 1 later with SJS♥.

Later, gonna sleep.
Or I'll sleep in the theater tomorrow. Hahah.
Something don't feel right.
Or is it just excitement? (:


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