Forever And Always

This post is two days late.
And this will be a happy post.

15 DEC

Woke up early for the news.
Then after everyone left the house, got ready for the later part.

Met up with Halima.
Was late for the meeting. LOL!
Car ride was awesome.
HAHAH! It was so weird.

We reached Cikgu's house.
Walked, sat, discussed.
And I thought the discussion would be long.
In the end, it lasted for about half-an-hour only.

Then trained to meeting place.
Was early so had brunch alone.
The KFC boy was bored I can tell.
He made the KFC like his own place, talking to his peer loudly so everyone who knows Malay could hear.
Then he was extra friendly and helpful.
In one way it was good, maybe he just wants to be employee of the month.
In another, it was getting up to my nerves. It was kind of annoying to watch him.
Cannot eat in peace~

Walked around the mall.
Kept visitting the toilet. HAHAH!
I think I visitted it like 4 times.
I went in there to pack my bag. LOL!
Soon after that, met up with Jelina.

Trained to Marina Bay.
Didn't know where the bus was.
Waited for the rest but they were still at CCK during the supposedly meeting time.
Irritating boys. Hahah.

Took the bus and Rynn was in there too~
I think she waited long enough.
WEnt to Marina Barrage.
Played UNO.
Waited for the rest.
Called and texted them.
Idiots, they took the red line.
Hahah, dah lambat, makin lambat kan...

When they finally reached Marina Barrage, they had to search for us.
Firdaus came in the end.
Made me stress the few days before je. -.-

Played uno.
Then it started to rain.
Sat indoors.
Continued uno game.
Hahah, what a luck Farhan had that day.
"Kalau part Farhan je, mesti card terbukak!"
That happened for all the 7 cards of his!

Then ate our picnic stuff.
Threw the rubbish away.
Hahah, the uncle even gave us a plastic bag.
Ridzwan's fault! LOL.

Went to Marina Square.
The guys was being so bad to Amali! LOL.
Met up with Sher, Fida and Wan.
Since we needed 10 seats.."asal kau pegi bawak satu kampong ni~"
had to wait for another hour to have dinner.

So went to arcade.
Watched the guys play Daytona.
Then played some other games.
Girls never play anything.
Except for Sher lah, took Ismail's game away.

Headed to Pizzahut again after around an hour.
Let Wan order cos it was his pay day.
Then my makcik bedah told me something.
Her words were clear all the way until it got to the root of story, she laughed -.-
HAHAH! She was just like the makcik bedah I knew 10 years ago~

Oh yeah, in the end, each person had to pay $10.
I rather eat at Breeks sia like that.
All the working people don't want to treat seh.
Irritating. Hahah!

Went back to arcade after that.
Watched the guys played pool.
Us girls just chatted about the silly old times.
Then the beginner player came to our side.
His body is like so far from the pool table.
Even worse, he bent down right in front of me.
Best view. LOL.
Fida got high after that cause she had a good view. HAHAH!

Sat on the floor after awhile.
Sher was like telling us a story when suddenly a ball flew into our circle.
Lol. Nice moves and what a right time. o.O
Sher couldn't even tell her story in peace.

After the guys were done, walked to MRT.
Gave my camera to Ridzwan.
He shamelessly asked a passer-by who was heading home to help us with the group shot.
One photo taken, another passer-by walked our way.
"Eh, yang ni pulak ah!"
So, 2 group shots.

No more passer-by walked our way.
So we walked our way home.
Hilmi warned me not to go online.
Well, he only press the "nudge" button twice. (:
Irritating Ismail, forcing Jelina and me to stop at Gombak.
Didn't want to. ):
Went our own way in the end.


After 10 years, none of us changed.
Well, I'm serious.
They are just they way they were in the primary school years.
Just that now, our bonds are tighter.
And I'll love it if it remains like that.
Cause I love them just they way they are.

And after the raya outing, they make me miss them so much.
After this abrupt outing, I'm missing them even more.
Will the next one happen soon? I hope so.


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