Maybe It's You

I'd like to think that all the bad mood is due to PMS.
Yet, it's not good to blame PMS all the time.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Times like this, I feel so screwed, lonely, like the whole world is against me.
No, let me correct that.
Like I'm against the world.

I just get mad, moody, angry.
It's all negative.

What if the outing turns out to be a failure?
I can't do this alone.
I need cooperation.
Why must you work?
We're only 16.
Can't you work next year?

I'm so lost.
I don't know what to do.
I don't even know if I should go on with this.
But I can't disappoint others.
Please don't back out anymore.
I can't handle this.

I'm weak.
I can't do this all by myself.
Can't you see?
I'm falling.

Prove me wrong.
3 more days.
I'm scared.
And outings are supposed to be fun.
Unlikely to be this situation.


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