goodness! today is super tiring! woke up at 6. bathe and got ready for FLAG DAY! took 187. SMSed with nurul and listened to mp3. reached there around 7.30. then we warm up first. did a cheer. me and su min stationed near the tapping mrt place. ok larh. some kids were showing off their stickers. i was like I GET IT YOU'VE DONATED. then there was a family. the mum gave each of her kids a coin. there were 3 kids. 1 put in my tin and the other in su min's. one more dont know where to put. he was like here or there. so cute!

rested at KFC. ate shrooms. they first thought of changing but we still stayed. back at my corner. there was dunman group. after a while they gone for their lunch. then the leader said, "she so happy sey. bye!" only could afford a smile and a wave. saw some kranjians. waah¬ they know im from kranji but still never donate. HMPPFFF :P

swap place with nurul. that one super hard. it was noisy. so everytime i asked if they would like to donate. they acted like they didnt hear it. so tiring by then. bought sweet talk. still asking for donations. saw michelle. she said hi and wanted to walk away. i quickly asked for donation. hehe. sorry mich. then went to limbang. asked for donation. used wan lin's tin. she didnt come. went back to kranji sec. took measurements then went off. ran after a bus. there was a very high hill. had to jump here and there. so high. glad didnt hurt my ankle or anything.

bought OCK and macs icecream. went back home. raining heavily. had to run. bruuff! wetty-wet! SMSed sis. she was supporting bro yan for anugerah. long queue! it was my sis birthday. so they went home with kak wiyah and abg idris[have to call him abg now!!!]. yummy choc-vanilla creamed cake!! pink and white.

if you've read. obviously it's not this! this was cake celebration with her friends :D

this is it. YUMMY~!!

then did wateva stuffs. abg idris went home and cik rohmat came. so many things on the 31st march. flag day. anugerah audition. sis bday!

btw. my bro's audition is on 1st april at 6.


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