Finally, end of Madr.
Last paper was easy :D

Tomorrow is the first FAC training.
Have to kiss that dummy!
Kinda scared.
&I hate when my stomach just start to swirl.

Which happened earlier.
Plus not at a normal heart rate..

Anyway, I get to meet somebody at 5pm later!
Yeah! Lol.

Hmm, new skin.
It took me years to do this.
Hahah, plain lazy.

Funny isn't it?


Hmm, when I thought I'm a very happy girl
with everyone around me being happy just like the way they are,
I can tell they are not and so am I.
It's hard to cheer people up and to know that they are really fine.
So now that I'm not happy, how can I cheer people up?

Somebody told me once to never be down when everyone's down.
Cos, if you're the only one who can save the world with happiness,
next thing you know, EVERYONE IS HAPPY!

Hahah, where am I living?
Fairytale Land!
I wish, then I can get what I want.
Then I can wish they nobody will be sad here and there
and we can all live happily ever after.
Cliche much but I love it to be that way {:

Please don't tell me exceeding stories again.
Get my bill already? Faster now.
I want to know what's wrong.
Faster please, tell me the story.
Waiting is just heart aching.


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