
I think 5 days off computer?
Or somehow. Woah still!

Been trying to complete homework that was due yesterday or due tomorrow.
I don't know how I spent the September break.
It seems like I didn't manage to complete half of the homework given.

Okay, start countdown, 4 MORE DAYS!
Yes, Hari Raya.

I'm either feeling it or feeling scared.

Now that 2009 has been pretty bad year with 2 death,
a whole lot of problem with social relationship of family and friends,
and a full load of stress upon us to do well,
not forgetting missing certain events that we always look forward to,
I wonder why I always thought this year would be great?

I heard from the radio, 9 somehow give the idea of power.
Where's the power in the world?
Only pigs unleashed their powers and brought upon evil threats to this world?
Then they bring our world crashing down with the outbreak of H1N1,
causing certain people to get stressed out, or even lead to death.
Now H1N1 is such a big subject because it is the source to most of my disappointment.

Oh well, I guess, now I shall look into the future.
Hoping Saturday won't have a tragic ending.
Hoping Sunday won't make me cry.
Hoping Monday, we'll go out to celebrate our achievements.

All there is to hope for.
Hope what I hoped comes true. :D


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