Was it fun?
Was it great?
Was it awesome?
Or it was just ...

First thing, time table changed.
Going home at 3.20pm every Monday,
3pm every Tuesday,
3pm every Wednesday,
3pm every Thursday,
3pm on Friday too(or at least, I think so)(?)

Then, MsNat is no longer our mentor.
New mentor, Wendy Seah.
Don't know who's that but guys in the class are happy.
They say, she's hot.

After that, big news, MrsLim is no longer my Chemistry teacher.
MrKat is taking us all back!
I finally understand Acid, Salts and Bases today.
MrsLim gave us lots of notes but yeah, lazy to ready.
MrKat, straight to the point! :D
Hooray! Hooray!

So basically, that's all the new news today.

Oh, a teacher showed us a video on how to wash our hands..
The nursing way.
2 minutes plus. LOL.

And, the first person I saw as I stepped in school today.
Shall not say.

H1N1 caused me not to meet 3F.
Their class has no see through window. ):
I want to assemble in PARADE SQUARE!

Oh, I have no other stories.
Let's go sentimental a bit.

I saw you smiling, or what I thought was a smile.
It made me smile too.
Until you shook your head.
I want to know, what in meant?
Does it mean you want to throw our friendship away?
Does it mean there's 0% chances of getting back to friends again?
Does it mean it's all over?
I'm sorry for the mistake.
It's me, I know, it's me.
My fault that we all started this.
You wanted some space, I should have understood.
I tried to make it better, I guess it's not.
Every single time, I tried to talk to you, you just shake your head.
That's your only respond, it got me pissed.
I didn't understand then, what's wrong with you?
What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with us?
But now that I know, I just want to make it better.
I want to try and talk to you.
But I'm scared, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid that you will give me the same respond you last gave me.
I'm sorry.

Bet she won't read it.
Just want to let it out.
That's what a blog is for!

&Yong Liang!
Don't say you're a failure again!
Must believe in yourself okay!

Okay now, bye :D


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