Yay! Spent yesterday completing most of my homework.
Yes, that meant Maths!

So now I'm left with Malay, a few of Chemistry and 1 more question of Geography.
Maybe later I will study for Social Studies, if I feel like it.

Currently, playing Facebook games.
Hahah, I'm super bored.
Listening to Demi's new songs.
She's really awesome.
Just like Taylor Swift.
Okay, being totally random.

I want to change the skin.
Make it brighter, no more black.
However, black is beauty and I love it.
It can suits any colour and it will turn out perfect.

Ohno, I'm getting this evil feeling.
Yes, evil feeling that will make me depress.
Hate this feeling.
Okay, shall play games to cheer myself up.
Or should I do Ex 10.4 so Ekko won't be disturbed?

Okay, randomness.
I'm stressed!
People still owes money.
When will I pay the teachers?
Gosh, this is the reason I have no mood with 3D most of the times.

On the other hand, I still owe Halima her present.
I owe Athirah a birthday wish.
I owe KakWiyah a surprise.
This is the reason why I don't have the mood all the time.
I'm broke already ):
Seriously, got to get more money.
I'm not saving anything.
Shucks. D:


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