Still The Same


It's Sunday and last day of the good September holidays.
So, my raya is "officially" over. :P
I really had a good one this year!
I've spent time with MCS, S13, 4HML and SAPS!

Hahah, the cute and crazy girls as always.
I mean even though I see most of them in Pioneer, we don't really get to talk much.
So, when it comes to raya outing, zoooooom!
It's like we're all in the same school again.

We went to Ms Nat's house for the first time.
Hahah, she said my 4D class used to be her worst class. P:
I really miss her attacking people and her favourite word of the day was selengeh!

And of course, I had my own adventure too during the outings.
My shoes were torn so I had to buy a new one.
I was glad it could last till we reached CCK mrt.
After that, I went barefooted in Lot 1 and just started shuffling my steps to BATA.
Buy And Throw Away.

Continued with the jalan raya.
At the last house, while eating Ami's mom's famous tiramisu,
her mom suddenly say we were so quiet.
So after that, Ami took out her cams,
and we made an impromtu mission.
To get Atq's unglam photos!
You wouldn't believe how crazy we were.
And yes, I got the photo!
Her possessed photos! :D
It was awesome.
I mean, being with them again.
So the kranji kranji feeling (:

So we met up, later than meeting time.
Kecoh eh, supposed to meet up at 2pm but we end up meeting at around 3pm.
And Rina Noorfazlina came!
It felt so complete (:

So, nothing changed.
You know, even if it has been 5 years since we left St Anthony's,
our appearance may change some sort, more mature I guess,
but our attitudes and everything else don't.
We still could be so close and tight.
And that's why I love them soooooo much! <3

Oh, we even tried to visit Hidayah.
We failed to meet her but yeah, some kind of adventure with the girls. Heh.
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