Hello, hello, hello.
Sheesh. People don't tag or don't read.

Ermm, so I have been sick since Monday.
Well, Monday had headache and felt so lethargic.
Tuesday, I still had headache and felt lethargic and fever at night.
Wednesday, fever gone away but had cough, flu and headache.
Thursday, lost my voice partly but my cough got worser, flu and headache stayed.
Friday, my voice totally gone, still up with flu, mild headache and cough.

Well, I got my voice back, it's rough though.
Like my voice broke!
Fuhhh. Lol.

&the whole week, getting common test papers back.
Well, all I can say is that I'm alright.
Although, I'm very much disappointed for Malay.
Now I know how it feels like.

Plus, Atq was absent for 2 days.
So quiet. Lol. &yeah, we missed her.

Oh yeah, on Monday morning, a lady fell in the longkang.
Tuesday, had a super long talk with Ami.
Wednesday, I forgot.
Thursday, Albin gay-ed with James!
Today, there was a flasher!


sssssssssssssssssssss: I never online what. Hahah, I'm not angry with you. [:
1dot8: Lol. First time eh? Yes, I miss you too. You miss yourself more? Fine. Hahah.

I'm bored!
I don't think I can chat with anybody!
It's pretty irritating. Grrr.
Well, I don't know how should I go for training tomorrow.


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