Long day I had today. Woke up around 7 then bathed and all and met with Anisah around 8.30++ Well' she wanted to do some shopping today. Hahas. Went to IMM and the bus was late. I was like,
is this the bus? No. Is this the bus? No.

&there was like 5 buses going to IBP. At last our bus came. SMSed Amirah on what the bus like lahh and all that sorts. So we got to IMM. None of the shops were open yet so we ate breakfast at Macs. Anisah had fillet-o-fish+hashbrown+milo. I had eggmcmuffin+hashbrown+milo. Quite full after that. Since none of the shops were open yet, we decided to just walk around, window shopping. &I kept looking at WINNIETHEPOOH! Cuteness lahh! There were so many winniethepooh! &lots of piggys too. &then we browsed throught the open shops. There wasn't any swimsuit that suits Anisah. CEREWET! Hahas. After a few more roundings, I SMSed Amirah about the place. But she said that she bought her swimsuit at JP. So off we went to JP.

Took the free bus ride. Hahas. &Anisah &me were the only souls talking in the bus I guess. We were discussing about the friendship thingy. &the music played. Racist! Hahas. Got off the bus &walked to the mall. &there was this guy who passed us. He kept looking at Anisah like weirdly. Well, he did turned to look at Anisah &kept staring at her. SCARY!

In the mall, I guess it's window shooping/browsing time! But first, we went to search for swimsuit. Took quite a long time there. After we finally had it, we searched for that kind of half cover top of whatever it's called as. But we couldn't find it. &then, more browsing and she bought something at least. Walked&walked &tried to disturb others. People there were giving us stares. They think we are freaks huh? Hahas. &then I wanted to leave but Anisah didn't let me. Had to wait with her until her friend comes. We didn't know where to go so we stayed at KFC, buying nothing and just sit like nobody cares. Saw Tini but I guess she don't know me. After like half-an-hour, we went to Macs. Got disgusted. Hahas. Then we walked around &decided to wait for her friend. While waiting, there was this guy with a friend whom smiled &waved at us. Scary-the-merry! Hahas. &so we waited &waited until like 25-30min. That guy showed up late. Irritating lahh.

So I let Anisah go with her friend while I went to visit Aniyah! Yaya I got the house correct. There was only Aniyah& KakSuriana. Ohh! Aniyah was super-duper cute. AHH! She talked to me. I guess, she's happy in her own home. Hahas. &she's smart too! She knows when I took her pictures &she was looking at the camera. Cuteness lahh!! Then I borrowed some of KakSuriana's stuff for history. Argh! I only took 3 things. I forgot it was supposed to be 4 things. NVM. &then went to WM. So tired that I fell asleep &was drooling. Hahas.

Took mak's book back &went to develop the photos. By the time I reached home, it was 7. Tired lahh. Okay, I guess I got to go now because I need to finish History assignment. !!

`E-rAh! = Yeeah. Hahas. ILU too!! +))
jannah = OkayOkay. I've tagged~
fidaa = Thanks! &I've relinked you too hottie!
`LuQ = Thankiuss!
[ syirah ] = Hahas. Aper lahh kau ni..


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