
Today was ermmmm, normal?
Well yeah, drank Milo and Chrysanthemum Tea and the taste sucks! If you were to imagine the colour, you can get examples from the toilet. Lols. That's what Ten and I talked about. Seriously disgusted. Hahahs. &the reason for me to drink those were just for DnT. Nurul just found out the real me. Lol.

After English was DnT. Got into groups with Amirah, Fairuz, Jayne and Shazlin. Perves huh? We had two cans of Milo and we had to make "Green Trophy". Thought of binoculars kind but then perves strike. Hahahs.

Literature was a free period. Somehow I felt really bad when she just got so quiet. Well, it's like I could accept anybody as my friend. But a person who likes to brag about themselves, thinking everybody would like that in a way, it just seemed stupid to me. Had that before in Primary days, expected in Secondary. But most people says "I LOVE WHO I AM AND I WON'T CHANGE, IF YOU HATE ME THEN TOO BAD" or some sort. Well, if almost everybody hates you, why won't you want to change then? Well, who likes being a loner? Or an EXTRA?

Well, never mind about that. Hahahs. 2008, I wished I could help them to change their attitude. Well, just a wish, hopefully, I could. Then 2C would be so united. But of course, why would anybody want to listen to somebody who don't even know them right?

Character Education. Target setting was like so hard. Questions like what will you do to achieve your targets. TIME MANAGEMENT!!!!!!

That ends the school, finally I saw KAKFIENA! and really a great view for now in 2008 during bus ride. Lol. Pass, Pass, Pass. Ride home with AMIRAH! Great, made my day. Talked about how I felt bad talking about her. &was confused. Hahahs.

ANDAI KU TAHU! Ended, Marcel with Karina, Nico with Puteri. Lols. For once, Acha and Irwansyah wasn't the "couple". DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHS.

dead blogs get taggs, living blogs get nothing!


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