Back to school!

No, not yet actually. Just had IP Coaching with MsTang.
Skip till the end of lesson. YK was giving our class a bad name. Played with the stupid knob and got the whole class scolded by MsGoh. &we got our yearbook! Excitement all over and yearbook is like a fun game if you really know how to play with it.

Went to McD for breakfast and celebrate our winnings from the SwimmingCarnival which our class won 2nd. I wasn't there so it wasn't much of a joy for me. &then went to WanYi's house to slack all the way till 2pm. Helped WanYi to do the Pa/AVA flyer.

The others discussed about the first day of school. I really have nothing much to say because I didn't even know anyone and never tried to get to know anybody on the first day of school. Isolated myself during recess because I really wasn't daring enough to say anything unless I was asked a question.

&then discussed about class matters. Didn't join them. Make myself busy helping WanYi instead. Hahah. They got back to the yearbook and was going like he's cute kind of stuff. Aishah kept calling me sunburn as to find a problem with me. Hahah.

Then went home. Had to be fast and quick because was trying to help Anisah get in and out of the station. Hahah, her card balance was low and she wanted to save it for her last bus trip. Lol. Couldn't believe manage to succeed getting in and out safely.

Anyway, don't ask me why is that picture unfair. It's a really stupid reason. That would cause me to waste my energy and your time telling. So don't go on getting curious about that stupid reason. LOL.

¬ going Raya with Primary school friends, I guess. It's only a year we've been separated and we're already starting to neglect each other. I used to think our life would just be like one of those in stoory books. Hanging out together every weekend to catch up with each other and remain as bff.

But this is real life, it's not that easy to remain as bff. I don't even know if we could even remain as bff. It's like I don't trust this bff thing any longer. We're just too busy for every week. Can't even have our own time to relax and catch up with the world. Don't even have the time to go on reminiscing the past and do exactly what we used to. Everything changes and it's really sad.

Well, sometimes, I wish to wake up the next day and have everything just the way I wanted. Because deep inside, all problems which I've been ignoring, it eats me up. &it's better not to say anything if you will just end up hurting yourself silently.

Sorry, getting a bit annoyed with bff and friends. At least, a whole month or so to relax. &you, don't act as if you don't know lahh. You know what I mean.


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