Yays! Finally finished "Ella Mental".

It's a great book and got me too engrossed reading it until Mak screamed at me the minute she saw me holding this book. What's wrong with her? Is it wrong to read a book? It's better than copying recipes that won't ever be cooked by you. Got me shouting, rebelling against her just now.

Anyway, feel like buying this book. With the GOOD SENSE GUIDE, sure to keep me cool to handle any problems encountered. But then again, AS IF! Hahah.

Meeting girlfriends this Saturday to break fast together. Ooops! Forgot about the money. Not sure if I have it. Hahah. I still have money but it's all in coins. Only a few notes so I consider myself as po-kai. Who would want to exchange notes with my coins? My bank is getting heavy. What am I blabbering about? Haizz.

&I still couldn't post a picture in Friendster. DRATS! Just when I got some great shots, these things occur in my life, ruining my plans. Life, you just need to find some other way through. You can't always get the easy way out. It has to go complicated sometimes too. Okay, blabbers again!

well, okay, just do some replying for now.
RAMBUT-an = Aiyoyo, you receive messages well eh? I asked you to wait, you went first. Bagus sangatlah tuu~ Hehs.
Halima = Salah ke? My anaksdare lahh katekan, extrakan diri sikit ahh~
Wanyi = Ms Tan, I don't understand a single bit you're talking about.



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