Today is Rina Noorfazlina's birthday. Auw. I remembered, one year back. Shereen and I were supposed to follow Afida's family to the beach. We just wanted to get out. Lol. But in the end, we declined Afida's invitation because we were thinking, we looked like 'extras' because they were going out as a family and us? It just didn't work.

Instead of an outing with Afida, we went to Rina's house to invite her out. We thought, since it was her birthday, her mum may let her go out with us. But then they just woke up so she can't. Lol, I still remembered how we knocked at her door for so many times feeling scared. WE were afraid if her mum open the door and just scold us or something. Hahah. Then the last knocked was me. And the door suddenly made a sound and I quickly backed out. Lol. In the end, I went out with Shereen. Hahah. Okay, thinking of this make me sad. Hmms.

Girlfriends are already carved in my heart and I don't want to lose any of them.
So are Chocolates. Sisters, MurdererGang and Daddy's Angels.

Girlfriends are missing piece by piece. I don't know how long will we last. I want to meet them soon because I'm seriously missing them. Feel like they're gone. Hmms, Sad huh? Listening to Aslyn's 'That When I Love You' make it more teary. Hehs.

MISSING PEOPLE: 30 and more.
Need I to name them? Hahs, too many. If I know you, I'll miss you ok.

Oh, finally finished 'Janji Seorang Sahabat'. Believe it or not, I cred when I read the book. Hahs. It was just so touching.


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