365 Days

Imagine this is a vlog. Hahahah. Okay crap. So, 2012 is finally coming to an end and in 1 hour time, we'll be in 2013! Well, 2012 has been quite a year. It started off okay, then it went to being bad, after that it was great, then it was back to okay and bad before it became quite awesome! Heheh. I shall not talk about my family because throughout, my family has been the back bone of my happiness. Understanding me, with each of my siblings giving me the "talk". Hahaha. To list down what I appreciate is too much. Hehs, so top 3 of this year.. So firstly, PISSYCATDOLLS So, we actually got closer since the Beijing trip. Hahah, thank you girls for helping me get through Malay class and our motivating times in whatsapp hahahah. They are all crazy, I tell you. And it's like whenever I'm with them, I'll just smile like one idiot even when they are not saying anything! Alhamdulillah for friends like this, through emotional times, through cr...