Today woke up at 5am.
Went out of the room to take my clothes.
Suddenly, Aniyah's baby walker gave out the sound.
I got scared out of my pants!
Like, early in the morning and you were the only one awake.
Although I may just have scared myself.
Maybe somebody accidentally pushed the knob and thus, the sound.
But maybe....GOSH!
I better not believe in such things.

So I got ready.
Ami reminded me not to be late.
She really scared me with that.
It was expected to be about that DESPERADO guy.
Talked and all.

I dropped my notes and picked it up
to realise that he walked past and I could have seen
his smile again.

Ami and Basy went to the toilet.
Left me with Rani and Farah.
Farah was in ecstasy for her piece was out at last.
Rani was going through the answers for AF.
&I was just waiting for Ami.

The paper started earlier than 8am.
But we had to wait for other students.
The paper kills. Seriously.
I just did the paper with a blank mind.
Something like that.
&heard that James didn't realise that there were questions on the last page.
Wow! He even slept and lost more that 10 marks!

Had to stay for Chemistry.
So drank milo and talked.
I was super lame today.

The class was super boring.
Although I still get the point.

So went home together in a crowd.
Safety reason..
Saw Shafiq!
Ate lunch with Ami, Nurul, Basy, Rani and Farah at LJS.
I couldn't stop laughing watching Basy and Nurul.
They couldn't understand each other and all.
WE were like watching a show.

When we all finished eating, went to the toilet.
On the way, Basy said that the aluminum was like (being in an) astronaut.
Rani corrected her by saying spaceship.
Nurul on the other hand asked, "Spaceship tu orang kan?"
[Translated: Spaceship is a person right?]

Couldn't stop laughing.
Then went up to run an errand.
Went home after that with Ami!
I still got reminded of Nurul.
Professor didn't know that spaceship is not a person?

On the computer and her personal message:
i just realised that a spaceship is a person
Gosh! Still haven't learn her mistake.

&Mrs Liow is pregnant!
I'm so ashamed not to know that.
I think I'm the last one in class to know))):
This is what you get when you don't visit your old class regularly.

My, why are so many people getting pregnant?
We have Ms Fazlin, Ms Yap, Ms Ratna, Ms Yeo and Mrs Liow getting pregnant.
Plusplus too. Gosh!
How I wish Mak was pregnant too but she can't )):
I still have Nur Qaisarah Aniyah!

Alright, will end here.
Since I have Chemistry waiting for me.
Tutoring Jelina tomorrow, YAY!
I miss her super duper lots!

If we were to be in different class,
will you still go to school with me?
Will you still eat with me during recess?
Will you still be there to cheer me up?
Will you still be there to hear my stories?
I don't know.
For all I know is that I will still be here for you.

I will miss 2C a whole damn lots.


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