Yesterday visited niece in the Raffles Hospital.
Alright, her story is really scary.
Imagine you feel normal but others see it differently.
I mean she is only 10 this year.
I feel so sorry for her
for I've never been admitted into a hospital before.
It must have been really painful and scary.

Then I felt so odd.
How I wished Ayah took the train with us.
I wouldn't have felt so lonely.
So I just stuck my ears with rhythms.

Today's training was fun!
We had a "quiz" at first on RSE.
Didn't study and therefore we all asked each other for answers.

Then after that we had soccer training
for next week's competition.
It was fun!
Relax ah, it's just a game. It's time for fun, not frustration.
I got injured at my right side.
I was putting my hand akimbo, then CK, who was playing with the boys,
kicked the ball so high that it landed DIRECTLY on my right hand,
which was akimbo.
Amazing isn't it?

Yes, I'm prone to accidents like this.

After 2 games,
we changed to Captain's ball.
I had to defend and I suck at that.
Maybe not, hmms, maybe not.
Alright, never mind.

Yes, it was good bonding with the juniors.
Like playing with people you don't usually talk to.
&after that, you can start talking to them!
[Everybody goes "WOAH..."]

After that had lunch at Macs.
Thought of buying Mothers' day gift with Kakak
but guess what?
I was like, alright, fine.
Like this is the only time she can go out with him
since he's in NS.

So I went around Lot 1 to search for gifts.
I couldn't find any.
So after 1-2 hours, I decided to head back home.

Mak says that she don't care if I dont give her present for tomorrow
because her birthday is more significant.
Alright, she actually said both at first but in the end lahh..
So yay!

But I have an idea for her birthday gift.
Hooray hooray!

I tried so hard to hold my tears back.
I just couldn't believe you.
You would pick him over me?
Just because he's your boyfriend..
&the saddest thing was, you said no and
said you weren't brave enough therefore never.
You said yes to him just because he's your love?


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