Currently, at peace but still a bit pissed and tired.

Well, today was the WORST DAY ever in the history of KSS in my book. Get it? THE WORST! ULTIMATE~!

Okay, just exaggerating. It wasn't that bad, only the last few hours of the day. Hmm, let's see. Got a look to our report slip. Yay, I passed everything. Even English, on the dot! Amazing huh? Wheets, hahah. Recess, went to Library to finish up History. Just when I want to ehem-ehem, I can't! So sad, too bad.

Art was okay. Did this candle holder. Mine is like so ugly can? Hmpf! Hahah, skin whitener, for people who wants skin as white as PeeWee, come and get it! LOL. Then it was History. Ahhh! Duper scared for presentation. Yeah, I'll always have this fright to talk in front of many others. Eversince, pledge taking, I always would think that I will say the wrong things or nothing will come out from my mouth. Then our turn came, &I kept praying and chanting to myself, "I want to pee! I need to pee!"

So we did our presentation. What happened? It got me so angry! I don't know why, our presentation was like the longest. Haven't even reached the topic I need to present about!! &I was like URGHS!! Went back, &I was totally furious. WanYi&Atiqah saw me getting angry. Tell me, am I taking things too seriously? Or am I just exaggerating too much? I have a valid reason for this feeling.
  • I spent the whole of yesterday, doing the powerpoints.
  • I put the books aside as I thought this was more important.
  • I slept late at night because I still haven't finish the works.
  • I woke up earlier than usual to finish my script.
    &in the end, IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!

    &so, is the reason valid enough? URGHS! Well, the common test added more fiery. Physics was quite okay, just calculations and stuff but Bio, BLANKSBLANKSBLANKS! Congratulate me, I'm going to fail Bio! AARRRGGHHSS!

    It's true,
    I can't forget you;
    Not seeing you around,
    Seems to make me frown.

    I always tried to smile
    just for you;
    but when our eyes interlocked,
    there's nothing else I could do.

    Your staring eyes
    Always makes me wonder;
    But time to time,
    It goes in the blender.

    I want to continue it, but I'm out of words. (:
    `aishah : aishah = Including today, 4 more days. Fast with me, habiskan 4 hari tu? Hehs. Thanks((:
    Halima : Halima = Yeah, OCTIE is adorable but you are more! This skin is hawt? Seriously? Hahah.
    anisah = Next year ahh aku hantar okay? LOL. Busy lahh~
    ` E-rAh! = akuSAYANGamirah! iLOVEamirah! woAIni! tuAMOR!
    `LuQ = Hahah. Thanks for the tag~
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