
I felt a sudden miss for SAPS! Haizz. Want visit SAPS but I don't know when. Only on Teachers' Day? Gosh! A long time to wait. &futher more, I would be busy on that day. Haizz! &seriously want reunion. But all are too busy for old friends I supposed?

I'm so jealous! It's like the whole SAPS is changing. &I'm not part of it anymore. Gahs! Why does it always makes me want to cry? Because I'm no longer a part of it? &we're all breaking apart?

New friends & old friends, we have to try to juggle them up. Somehow, each time a new friend comes, the old ones go. Well, I don't know but that's how I feel. Or maybe it's just me? Maybe I just can't seem to juggle them up? Goodness!

Feels much better now. &took cab with Wanyi, Atq&Halima just now. Just to go from Limbang to Sports Complex. LOL! We're lazy&late! Hahas. Tried to make people jealous~


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